Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Zootekni Doktora Diploması
Sorumlu KurumVan Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiBardakçı, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Kampüsü, 65090 Tuşba/Van
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi8
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 8
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Bitki ve hayvancılık ürünleri
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri240
Programın Normal Süresi 4
Program Profili (Amaç)

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni programı; kanatlı, büyük ve küçük baş hayvanlarda yetiştirme ve besleme, arı yetiştiriciliği, biyometri ve genetik konularında teorik ve uygulamalı öğretim ve araştırma çalışmaları yapmaktadır. Zootekni programında doktora programı dahilde, hayvanlarda üreme teknikleri, genetik markırların belirlenmesi, hayvansal-doğal lif analizleri, karkas analizleri, mikroklimatk çevre etkilerinin belirlenmesi, yem ve slaj nalizleri hakkında saha ve labaratuvar çalışmaları ve çeşitli uygulamalı istatsistiksel çalışmalar yapılmaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Tespit ettiği sorunlar doğrultusunda konusunu seçer ve araştırma yapar.
  • Zootekni yüksek lisans eğitim öğretim yeterliliklerine dayalı olarak Zootekni kapsamında yer alan hayvan besleme, hayvan yetiştirme ve biyometri ve genetik alanında bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde geliştirebilme ve derinleştirebilme yeteneğine sahiptir.
  • Geliştirdiği önerilerden bir konu belirler ve bu konu hakkında rapor hazırlar.
  • Üst düzey öğrenme ve düşünme becerilerini kullanabilir.
  • İletişim becerilerini etkili olarak kullanabilir.
  • Zootekni alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanabilir ve durum değerlendirmesi yapabilir.
  • Çalışma alanı ile ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki bilgileri inceleyebilir ve değerlendirebilir.
  • Araştırmaları sonucunda çeşitli öneriler geliştirir.
  • Hazırladığı araştırama raporunu tartışır ve sunar.
  • Zootekni alanından edindiği bilgi ve beceriler ile yaşam boyu öğrenmeye ilişkin olumlu tutum geliştirebilir.
  • Çalışmalarını ve uzmanlık alanındaki gelişmeleri yazılı, sözlü ve görsel olarak aktarabilir.
  • Zootekni ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan karmaşık sorunların çözümü için yeni stratejiler geliştirebilir ve sorumluluk alarak çözüm üretebilir.
  • Uzmanlaştığı Zootekni alanında disiplinler arası ilişkiyi kavrayabilme yetisine sahiptir.
  • Alanıyla ilgili araştırmalara konu olabilecek temel sorunları tespit edebilir.
  • Ulusal ve uluslararası projelerde yer alır ve ekip çalışmasını yürütebilir.
  • Tüm öğrenme kaynaklarını kullanabilir ve doğru bilgi kaynaklarına ulaşabilir.
  • Alanı ile ilgili konularda strateji, politika ve uygulama planları geliştirebilir. Elde edilen sonuçları kalite yönetimi süreçleri çerçevesinde değerlendirebilir.
  • Zootekni konusunda uzmanlık düzeyindeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgiyi kullanarak disiplinler arası bilgileri sentezleyerek yorumlayabilir. Konusunda edindiği bilgilere dayanarak teoriler üretebilir.
  • Zootekni alanında farklı araştırma yöntemlerini kullanabilir. Sebep sonuç ilişkisi kurarak çözümleme yapabilir.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı-
Başarma ŞartlarıAlınan bütün derslerden başarılı olmak (En az 240 AKTS). 75/100 ortalamaya sahip olmak ve diğer program yeterlilikleri tamamlamak (seminer, tez, staj vb.).
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Üniversite öğretim elemanı olarak üniversitelerde, -Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı’nın çeşitli birimlerinde, -Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK)’te, -Özel besi ya da süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde, koyun-keçi yetiştiren işletmelerde, -Yumurta ya da et tavukçuluğu işletmelerinde, -Damızlık koyun-keçi ve sığır yetiştiricileri il birliklerinde, -Yem fabrikalarında, arıcılık işletmelerinde, -Tarım danışmanı olarak tarımsal danışmanlık faaliyeti gösteren danışmanlık şirketlerinde ya da kendi hayvancılık işletmesini kurarak kendi işletmesinde çalışabilir.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Belge sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Zootekni Doktora Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Bardakçı, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Kampüsü, 65090 Tuşba/Van

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni programı; kanatlı, büyük ve küçük baş hayvanlarda yetiştirme ve besleme, arı yetiştiriciliği, biyometri ve genetik konularında teorik ve uygulamalı öğretim ve araştırma çalışmaları yapmaktadır. Zootekni programında doktora programı dahilde, hayvanlarda üreme teknikleri, genetik markırların belirlenmesi, hayvansal-doğal lif analizleri, karkas analizleri, mikroklimatk çevre etkilerinin belirlenmesi, yem ve slaj nalizleri hakkında saha ve labaratuvar çalışmaları ve çeşitli uygulamalı istatsistiksel çalışmalar yapılmaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Tespit ettiği sorunlar doğrultusunda konusunu seçer ve araştırma yapar.
  • Zootekni yüksek lisans eğitim öğretim yeterliliklerine dayalı olarak Zootekni kapsamında yer alan hayvan besleme, hayvan yetiştirme ve biyometri ve genetik alanında bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde geliştirebilme ve derinleştirebilme yeteneğine sahiptir.
  • Geliştirdiği önerilerden bir konu belirler ve bu konu hakkında rapor hazırlar.
  • Üst düzey öğrenme ve düşünme becerilerini kullanabilir.
  • İletişim becerilerini etkili olarak kullanabilir.
  • Zootekni alanında edindiği uzmanlık düzeyindeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanabilir ve durum değerlendirmesi yapabilir.
  • Çalışma alanı ile ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki bilgileri inceleyebilir ve değerlendirebilir.
  • Araştırmaları sonucunda çeşitli öneriler geliştirir.
  • Hazırladığı araştırama raporunu tartışır ve sunar.
  • Zootekni alanından edindiği bilgi ve beceriler ile yaşam boyu öğrenmeye ilişkin olumlu tutum geliştirebilir.
  • Çalışmalarını ve uzmanlık alanındaki gelişmeleri yazılı, sözlü ve görsel olarak aktarabilir.
  • Zootekni ile ilgili uygulamalarda karşılaşılan karmaşık sorunların çözümü için yeni stratejiler geliştirebilir ve sorumluluk alarak çözüm üretebilir.
  • Uzmanlaştığı Zootekni alanında disiplinler arası ilişkiyi kavrayabilme yetisine sahiptir.
  • Alanıyla ilgili araştırmalara konu olabilecek temel sorunları tespit edebilir.
  • Ulusal ve uluslararası projelerde yer alır ve ekip çalışmasını yürütebilir.
  • Tüm öğrenme kaynaklarını kullanabilir ve doğru bilgi kaynaklarına ulaşabilir.
  • Alanı ile ilgili konularda strateji, politika ve uygulama planları geliştirebilir. Elde edilen sonuçları kalite yönetimi süreçleri çerçevesinde değerlendirebilir.
  • Zootekni konusunda uzmanlık düzeyindeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgiyi kullanarak disiplinler arası bilgileri sentezleyerek yorumlayabilir. Konusunda edindiği bilgilere dayanarak teoriler üretebilir.
  • Zootekni alanında farklı araştırma yöntemlerini kullanabilir. Sebep sonuç ilişkisi kurarak çözümleme yapabilir.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Başarma Şartları
Alınan bütün derslerden başarılı olmak (En az 240 AKTS). 75/100 ortalamaya sahip olmak ve diğer program yeterlilikleri tamamlamak (seminer, tez, staj vb.).

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Üniversite öğretim elemanı olarak üniversitelerde, -Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı’nın çeşitli birimlerinde, -Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK)’te, -Özel besi ya da süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde, koyun-keçi yetiştiren işletmelerde, -Yumurta ya da et tavukçuluğu işletmelerinde, -Damızlık koyun-keçi ve sığır yetiştiricileri il birliklerinde, -Yem fabrikalarında, arıcılık işletmelerinde, -Tarım danışmanı olarak tarımsal danışmanlık faaliyeti gösteren danışmanlık şirketlerinde ya da kendi hayvancılık işletmesini kurarak kendi işletmesinde çalışabilir.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Belge sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
The Institute of Natural and Applied Animal Science Animal Science (Ph.D)
Awarding BodyUniversity of Van Yuzuncu Yil
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level8
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 8
Thematic AreasCrop and livestock production
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value240
Program Duration4
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-

Has the ability to develop and deepen knowledge animal nutrition, animal husbandry and biometrics and genetics at the level of expertise on the basis of their qualifications, based on undergraduate education program in animal science Students will be able to examine and evaluate the national and international level related to the field of study Students will be able to identify the main problems related to their research. He/she chooses his/her subject in related with the problems and makes research. He/she develops various suggestions as a result of their research. He/She will be able to comprehend interdisciplinary relationship in the field of animal science. Interprets the interdisciplinary information by using theoretical and practical knowledge at the level of expertise in animal science. He / she can produce theories based on the knowledge he / she obtained. Determines a topic from the proposals and develops a report on this topic. Has the ability of using high level learning and thinking skills. Uses communication skills effectively. Can use the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of animal science and can evaluate the situation. Discusses and presents the research report. Develops a positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of animal science. Will be able to transfer their studies and developments in their field of expertise in written, oral and visual. Develops new strategies for solving complex problems encountered in animal secience and produces solutions by taking responsibility. Participates in national and international projects and carries out team work. Can use all learning resources and reach the right information sources. Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans in the field. Evaluates the obtained results within the framework of quality management processes. Uses different research methods in the field of animal science. To be able to analyze the cause and effect relationship.

Key Competencies-
Further Info

(1) Graduate education plans in the departments of the department are the compulsory / elective courses, thesis, seminar and similar studies and credits to be taken to graduate from the graduate program. All courses, except the courses / courses indicated in paragraph 5, should be selected. These instructional plans are approved and approved by the institute board in accordance with the minimum content determined by the Senate. (2) Graduate program of loans or diploma level where the program concerned by the Higher Education and the space for Turkey Higher Education Qualifications credits range determined by the frame and students are determined by the Senate considering working hours in forming according to ECTS credits are taken into account the following considerations: a) The semester credit value of a graduate course is the sum of half of the weekly theoretical course hours and half of the weekly practice or laboratory hours of the course. b) Loans included in the Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education are at least 240 credits for qualifications in eighth level doctoral / arts. Minimum 300 credits for students admitted with a Bachelor's degree. (3) Attendance to graduate programs, course exams, recording freeze, lecture notes, successful counting of courses, repetition of courses and other principles are as follows; a) The student has to attend 70% of theoretical and practical courses. Students who do not attend classes according to these conditions; It is considered as a discontinuity, it is not taken into the final exams of the course and it fails from absenteeism. b) The student communicates the excuses that he / she has not been able to attend to the department / department within one week. The academic board of the department provides the decision of the institute board to the decision of the institute. c) Students have the right to register for two semesters. Registration freeze, the student's request, the department of the academic board of the opinion of the board of directors and the decision of the institute is decided. Students who are considered to be freed of registration or who are on leave due to military service must have registration renewal procedures in the first semester following the expiry of the period due to registration freeze or military service. d) Midterm and final exams are conducted in accordance with the academic calendar of the University. e) At least one midterm and one final exam are given for each course in each semester. In the evaluation of the grade of a course taken, midterm, homework and final exam are taken into consideration. Achievement grade; 25% of the midterm exam, 25% of the homework grade and 50% of the final exam grade, must be at least 70 points. If the assignment is not given, the success grade; 50% of the midterm exam and 50% of the final grade is obtained by collecting 50% of the final grade, and this must be a minimum of 70 points. A final grade of at least 70 points is a prerequisite for passing the course. According to the area of the course taken exams can be written, orally or practically. f) In the Doctoral programs, the student is required to take two exams for each course in each semester, at least one midterm and one final exam. In the evaluation of the grade of a course taken, midterm, homework and final exam are taken into consideration. Achievement grade; 25% of the midterm exam, 25% of the homework grade and 50% of the final exam grade, must be at least 75 points. If the assignment is not given, the success grade; 50% of the midterm exam and 50% of the final grade of the final grade is obtained by collecting at least 75 points. A final grade of at least 75 points is a prerequisite for passing the course. According to the area of the course, exams can be written, oral or applied.

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

(1) In order to apply for a PhD program, a) To have a master's degree with thesis and have to have at least 55 ALES points in the score type of the program applied by ALES. b) Those who apply to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree must have at least 3 out of 4 undergraduate GPAs and at least 80 ALES points in the type of the program they are applying to. c) Candidates for admission to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree or master's degree are admitted to the interview by a jury of three persons determined by the institute board. The exam grade is evaluated over 100 points. (2) Success grade in the admission of the students who will apply to the PhD program; a) Candidates who are applying for a doctoral program with a master's degree have to pass the entrance exam; 50% of the ALES standard score, 15% of the undergraduate grade point average and 15% of the grade point average is calculated by adding 20% of the interview / talent exam / portfolio review. b) If the entrance exam of the candidates who applied directly to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree is the success grade; 50% of the ALES standard score is calculated by adding 30% of the interview / talent exam / portfolio review grade with 20% of the undergraduate grade point average. c) Candidates applying to the doctoral program with a Master's degree must obtain a minimum score of 50 from the interview result. As a result of the scoring, original / substitute candidates with a success score of 65 or higher shall be accepted as a student within the quota declared in the PhD program according to their score. Substitute candidates are replaced by substitute candidates who cannot register with the main candidates. d) Candidates who apply directly to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree must have at least 55 points from the interview result. As a result of the scoring, the main / substitute candidates with a grade of 70 or higher shall be admitted to the student in accordance with the quota. Substitute candidates are replaced by substitute candidates who cannot register with the main candidates. e) If requested in the departments which are more than three times the number of the quota declared, a written examination shall be held prior to the determination of the candidates to be interviewed. After the exam; the number of candidates who will take the interview, 50% of ALES, 20% of the undergraduate / graduate graduation grade and 30% of the written exam grade, taking into account the highest number of places and the number of quota is reduced to three times. f) The method of calculation of the grade grade in the doctorate entrance examination may be changed by the proposal of the institute board and the approval of the Senate. (3) It is compulsory to score at least 55 points from international foreign language examinations which are accepted as equivalent by the HEC except for their mother tongue except for their mother tongue except for their mother tongue, or from the international foreign language exams accepted as equivalent by the ÖSYM.

Conditions for SuccessDoctorate program, ten courses with a total of thirty credits for students who are accepted with a doctorate with thesis, and eight courses, a seminar, a special area course with a maximum of thirty three credits, provided that the education period is not less than 55 ECTS. Proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work, at least 240 ECTS credit.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates from the animal science department have emoloyment opportunities at: -the university as a university lecturer, -various units in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, -Turkey Statistics Institute (TurkStat-Tuik), -private beef or dairy farms, -private sheep and goats farms, -poultry eggs or meat producing enterprises, -cattle breeders associations, -small ruminant breeders associations -the feed mills, -the beekeeping enterprises, -the consulting company which operates as an agricultural advisory, or set up their own farming business

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

The document is valid continuously.

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
The Institute of Natural and Applied Animal Science Animal Science (Ph.D)

Awarding Body
University of Van Yuzuncu Yil

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments


Has the ability to develop and deepen knowledge animal nutrition, animal husbandry and biometrics and genetics at the level of expertise on the basis of their qualifications, based on undergraduate education program in animal science Students will be able to examine and evaluate the national and international level related to the field of study Students will be able to identify the main problems related to their research. He/she chooses his/her subject in related with the problems and makes research. He/she develops various suggestions as a result of their research. He/She will be able to comprehend interdisciplinary relationship in the field of animal science. Interprets the interdisciplinary information by using theoretical and practical knowledge at the level of expertise in animal science. He / she can produce theories based on the knowledge he / she obtained. Determines a topic from the proposals and develops a report on this topic. Has the ability of using high level learning and thinking skills. Uses communication skills effectively. Can use the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of animal science and can evaluate the situation. Discusses and presents the research report. Develops a positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of animal science. Will be able to transfer their studies and developments in their field of expertise in written, oral and visual. Develops new strategies for solving complex problems encountered in animal secience and produces solutions by taking responsibility. Participates in national and international projects and carries out team work. Can use all learning resources and reach the right information sources. Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans in the field. Evaluates the obtained results within the framework of quality management processes. Uses different research methods in the field of animal science. To be able to analyze the cause and effect relationship.

Key Competencies

Further Info

(1) Graduate education plans in the departments of the department are the compulsory / elective courses, thesis, seminar and similar studies and credits to be taken to graduate from the graduate program. All courses, except the courses / courses indicated in paragraph 5, should be selected. These instructional plans are approved and approved by the institute board in accordance with the minimum content determined by the Senate. (2) Graduate program of loans or diploma level where the program concerned by the Higher Education and the space for Turkey Higher Education Qualifications credits range determined by the frame and students are determined by the Senate considering working hours in forming according to ECTS credits are taken into account the following considerations: a) The semester credit value of a graduate course is the sum of half of the weekly theoretical course hours and half of the weekly practice or laboratory hours of the course. b) Loans included in the Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education are at least 240 credits for qualifications in eighth level doctoral / arts. Minimum 300 credits for students admitted with a Bachelor's degree. (3) Attendance to graduate programs, course exams, recording freeze, lecture notes, successful counting of courses, repetition of courses and other principles are as follows; a) The student has to attend 70% of theoretical and practical courses. Students who do not attend classes according to these conditions; It is considered as a discontinuity, it is not taken into the final exams of the course and it fails from absenteeism. b) The student communicates the excuses that he / she has not been able to attend to the department / department within one week. The academic board of the department provides the decision of the institute board to the decision of the institute. c) Students have the right to register for two semesters. Registration freeze, the student's request, the department of the academic board of the opinion of the board of directors and the decision of the institute is decided. Students who are considered to be freed of registration or who are on leave due to military service must have registration renewal procedures in the first semester following the expiry of the period due to registration freeze or military service. d) Midterm and final exams are conducted in accordance with the academic calendar of the University. e) At least one midterm and one final exam are given for each course in each semester. In the evaluation of the grade of a course taken, midterm, homework and final exam are taken into consideration. Achievement grade; 25% of the midterm exam, 25% of the homework grade and 50% of the final exam grade, must be at least 70 points. If the assignment is not given, the success grade; 50% of the midterm exam and 50% of the final grade is obtained by collecting 50% of the final grade, and this must be a minimum of 70 points. A final grade of at least 70 points is a prerequisite for passing the course. According to the area of the course taken exams can be written, orally or practically. f) In the Doctoral programs, the student is required to take two exams for each course in each semester, at least one midterm and one final exam. In the evaluation of the grade of a course taken, midterm, homework and final exam are taken into consideration. Achievement grade; 25% of the midterm exam, 25% of the homework grade and 50% of the final exam grade, must be at least 75 points. If the assignment is not given, the success grade; 50% of the midterm exam and 50% of the final grade of the final grade is obtained by collecting at least 75 points. A final grade of at least 75 points is a prerequisite for passing the course. According to the area of the course, exams can be written, oral or applied.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

(1) In order to apply for a PhD program, a) To have a master's degree with thesis and have to have at least 55 ALES points in the score type of the program applied by ALES. b) Those who apply to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree must have at least 3 out of 4 undergraduate GPAs and at least 80 ALES points in the type of the program they are applying to. c) Candidates for admission to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree or master's degree are admitted to the interview by a jury of three persons determined by the institute board. The exam grade is evaluated over 100 points. (2) Success grade in the admission of the students who will apply to the PhD program; a) Candidates who are applying for a doctoral program with a master's degree have to pass the entrance exam; 50% of the ALES standard score, 15% of the undergraduate grade point average and 15% of the grade point average is calculated by adding 20% of the interview / talent exam / portfolio review. b) If the entrance exam of the candidates who applied directly to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree is the success grade; 50% of the ALES standard score is calculated by adding 30% of the interview / talent exam / portfolio review grade with 20% of the undergraduate grade point average. c) Candidates applying to the doctoral program with a Master's degree must obtain a minimum score of 50 from the interview result. As a result of the scoring, original / substitute candidates with a success score of 65 or higher shall be accepted as a student within the quota declared in the PhD program according to their score. Substitute candidates are replaced by substitute candidates who cannot register with the main candidates. d) Candidates who apply directly to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree must have at least 55 points from the interview result. As a result of the scoring, the main / substitute candidates with a grade of 70 or higher shall be admitted to the student in accordance with the quota. Substitute candidates are replaced by substitute candidates who cannot register with the main candidates. e) If requested in the departments which are more than three times the number of the quota declared, a written examination shall be held prior to the determination of the candidates to be interviewed. After the exam; the number of candidates who will take the interview, 50% of ALES, 20% of the undergraduate / graduate graduation grade and 30% of the written exam grade, taking into account the highest number of places and the number of quota is reduced to three times. f) The method of calculation of the grade grade in the doctorate entrance examination may be changed by the proposal of the institute board and the approval of the Senate. (3) It is compulsory to score at least 55 points from international foreign language examinations which are accepted as equivalent by the HEC except for their mother tongue except for their mother tongue except for their mother tongue, or from the international foreign language exams accepted as equivalent by the ÖSYM.

Conditions for Success
Doctorate program, ten courses with a total of thirty credits for students who are accepted with a doctorate with thesis, and eight courses, a seminar, a special area course with a maximum of thirty three credits, provided that the education period is not less than 55 ECTS. Proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work, at least 240 ECTS credit.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates from the animal science department have emoloyment opportunities at: -the university as a university lecturer, -various units in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, -Turkey Statistics Institute (TurkStat-Tuik), -private beef or dairy farms, -private sheep and goats farms, -poultry eggs or meat producing enterprises, -cattle breeders associations, -small ruminant breeders associations -the feed mills, -the beekeeping enterprises, -the consulting company which operates as an agricultural advisory, or set up their own farming business

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

The document is valid continuously.

Open Address