Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumTürk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiTürk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi Bahçekapı Mahallesi Okul Sk. No:11 06790 Etimesgut ANKARA
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi6
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 6
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Yönetim ve idare
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri240
Programın Normal Süresi 4
Program Profili (Amaç)

Bu program İngilizce olarak da sunulmaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Bilişim teknolojileri ile yönetim kavramını ve metodolojisini kullanma becerisine sahip olmak.
  • Veri analizi ve temel algoritma eğitimi ile hem yönetsel hem de bilişim ağırlıklı perspektiften bakabilen bireyler yetiştirerek analiz etme becerisi kazandırmak.
  • Veri, yapay zeka ve analiz konusunda mantıklı yorumlar yapma becerisine sahip olmak.
  • Veri analizi ve algoritmalar konusunda farklı perspektiflere sahip olmak.
  • Bilgi teknolojileri ve yönetsel konularda akademik ve uygulamalı araştırma becerilerini geliştirmek.
  • Alanla ilgili akademik yazım becerilerini geliştirmek.
  • Alanla ilgili akademik sunum becerilerini geliştirmek.
  • Analitik düşünme ve bağımsız araştırma yeteneklerini geliştirmek.
  • Eleştirel analiz, yorum, tartışma ve sürekli öğrenmeyi teşvik ederek açık fikirliliği kazandırmak.
  • Argüman geliştirme yeteneğini kazandırmak.
  • Yaşam boyu öğrenmenin öneminin kavranılması.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı-
Başarma ŞartlarıÖğrencilerimiz tüm derslerini ve tümleşik eğitimlerini tamamladıktan sonra 240 AKTS ile mezun olabilmektedir.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri mezunları, endüstrinin ve endüstriyel faaliyetlerin var olduğu her yerde kendilerine iş bulabilirler. Şirketlerde operasyonları kolaylaştırmak adına bilgi işlem departmanlarında, devlet ya da özel bankalarda, yazılım ve otomasyon şirketlerinde; birbirinden farklı pozisyonlarda kariyerlerine devam edebilirler. Söz konusu iş imkanlarından devlet kurumlarında yer alan fırsatlardan yararlanabilmek için Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavı (KPSS)’ndan elde edilecek puan belirleyici olacaktır.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi Bahçekapı Mahallesi Okul Sk. No:11 06790 Etimesgut ANKARA

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Bu program İngilizce olarak da sunulmaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Bilişim teknolojileri ile yönetim kavramını ve metodolojisini kullanma becerisine sahip olmak.
  • Veri analizi ve temel algoritma eğitimi ile hem yönetsel hem de bilişim ağırlıklı perspektiften bakabilen bireyler yetiştirerek analiz etme becerisi kazandırmak.
  • Veri, yapay zeka ve analiz konusunda mantıklı yorumlar yapma becerisine sahip olmak.
  • Veri analizi ve algoritmalar konusunda farklı perspektiflere sahip olmak.
  • Bilgi teknolojileri ve yönetsel konularda akademik ve uygulamalı araştırma becerilerini geliştirmek.
  • Alanla ilgili akademik yazım becerilerini geliştirmek.
  • Alanla ilgili akademik sunum becerilerini geliştirmek.
  • Analitik düşünme ve bağımsız araştırma yeteneklerini geliştirmek.
  • Eleştirel analiz, yorum, tartışma ve sürekli öğrenmeyi teşvik ederek açık fikirliliği kazandırmak.
  • Argüman geliştirme yeteneğini kazandırmak.
  • Yaşam boyu öğrenmenin öneminin kavranılması.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Başarma Şartları
Öğrencilerimiz tüm derslerini ve tümleşik eğitimlerini tamamladıktan sonra 240 AKTS ile mezun olabilmektedir.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri mezunları, endüstrinin ve endüstriyel faaliyetlerin var olduğu her yerde kendilerine iş bulabilirler. Şirketlerde operasyonları kolaylaştırmak adına bilgi işlem departmanlarında, devlet ya da özel bankalarda, yazılım ve otomasyon şirketlerinde; birbirinden farklı pozisyonlarda kariyerlerine devam edebilirler. Söz konusu iş imkanlarından devlet kurumlarında yer alan fırsatlardan yararlanabilmek için Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavı (KPSS)’ndan elde edilecek puan belirleyici olacaktır.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Lisans Diploması
Awarding BodyUniversity of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level6
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 6
Thematic AreasManagement and administration
National Occupation Classification


Credit Value240
Program Duration4
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-
  • In the field of business management basis and on current concepts will have theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • Using quantitative and qualitative tools and information technologies to manage the business decision process.Uses knowledge sharing and professional communication in Turkish and English language expert level.İ
  • Demonstrate proficiency in terms of content and organization to prepare quality documents and make presentations.
  • Complex issues to think creatively, generate individual and interdisciplinary solutions to the teams using team building and leadership skills.
  • Economic, legal, political, social, technical and competitive forces (local, regional, global) evaluate how it affects the business area.
  • Sought in qualified personnel needed by the public and private sectors; business, finance, statistics, accounting, law, economics, public administration have knowledge and use them.
  • Develop can reveal their views on the current operating issues in the interpretation and use events.
  • Analyzes the relationship between business stakeholders and effectively executes.
  • Evaluate the information obtained during education through cause-and-effect relationships; where the information which predicts whether and when it is needed.
Key Competencies-
Further Info

Students are subject to a final exam, other than the exams they have taken and the studies they have been involved in. Each semester, students are given at least one mid-term examination. Apart from mid-term examinations, quizzes can be given without announcing a specific date. The criteria (quiz, mid-term, assignment, final exam, etc.) and the ratio taken into consideration for success assessment in the courses are stated in the syllabi distributed to the students at the beginning of each semester and/or published on the web site. Final examinations are made in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University. The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term and final examination results, semester studies, and compliance with attendance regulations. Courses, which do not require mid-term and/or final examinations, are determined by the related Heads of Departments/ School Directors, and the Registrar’s Office is informed accordingly. Final grades for such courses are given based on their coursework throughout the term. The end of semester course grade is submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the lecturer with success evaluation criteria. The semester grades become final after being announced by the Registrar’s Office. GradesFor each course taken, the student is given one of the letter grades below by the instructor as the semester course grade. The letter grades, coefficients and percentage equivalents are indicated below. GradeGradeCoefficient90-100AA4.085-89BA3.580-84BB3.070-79CB2.560-69CC2.050-59DC1.545-49DD1.044 and belowFF0 Success GradesThe lowest grade to be successful in a credit course is:For associate degree and undergraduate degree students; DD,For Master Students; CC,For Doctoral Students; CB. Repeating CoursesStudents who have received an “FF”, “NA”(non-Attendance) or “W” (Withdrawal) in any course or “U” (Unsatisfactory) for non-credited courses must repeat it in the first semester the course is offered again. If a course has a prerequisite the ones who are not successful in the course with prerequisite cannot take that course. Successful StudentsStudents whose Cum GPA are at least 2.00 in any semester are considered successful.Students who obtain a GPA of 3.00-3.49, at the end of the semester with at least a normal semester course load, are considered “Honor Students” and those who obtain a GPA of 3.50-4.00 are considered “High Honor Students”.Knowledge and skills students should gain until graduation are listed below:1 In management sciences will have information about the books and other publications containing the updated information.2 You can use the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge.3 Applications to bring innovations to the area, they can develop ideas.4 Faced related to the field / problems encountered can define, analyze and develop solutions.5 Scientific, win the ability to develop solutions based on objective assessment.6 Personal and professional differences are considering can adapt to different circumstances and situations and can play different social roles.7 In such cases, work under stress, you can take the right decision and place.8 It can set internal goals and objectives.9 The manager is the team leader, the people in their areas of responsibility can plan and manage activities for development within the framework of the project.10 A study related to the field can carry out advanced independent; You can organize teamwork can compare the operation.11 Lifelong learning will have the sense of the academic requirements of consciousness.12 Advanced knowledge and skills in business and management sciences can evaluate with a critical approach.13 You can identify learning needs; It can direct the learning process.14 Reach a level that will analyze the different decision-making situations.15 Space-related issues, can transmit their opinions and suggestions and thoughts.16 Quantitative ideas and suggestions related to business and management processes can support the qualitative research data can be transferred to people on different levels of information.17 It takes care of the professional and social communication skills and develops.18 People and institutions about the issues related to the field in Turkish and English, can be informed in writing and orally.19 Gains the sense of social responsibility, organize projects and activities for the social environment in which and apply.20 Developments in the area can support using information and communication technologies.21 Collection of data in this research, interpretation, implementation and announcing the results, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??in accordance with the act.22 Develop awareness of social rights and occupational health and safety issues.23 Understand the importance of innovation development; support innovative applications.

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

In the framework of the regulations set by Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK), student admission for this undergraduate program is made through a university entrance examination called ÖSYS. Following the submission of students’ academic program preferences, Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) places the students to the relevant program according to the score they get from ÖSYS.International students are accepted to this undergraduate program according to the score of one of the international exams they take such as SAT,ACT etc. or according to their high school diploma score.Exchange student admission is made according to the requirements determined by bilateral agreements signed by UTAA and the partner university.Visiting students can enroll for the courses offered in this program upon the confirmation of the related academic unit. Additionally, they need to prove their English language level since the medium of instruction at UTAA is English.

Conditions for SuccessKnowledge and skills students should gain until graduation are listed below: 1 In management sciences will have information about the books and other publications containing the updated information. 2 You can use the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge. 3 Applications to bring innovations to the area, they can develop ideas. 4 Faced related to the field / problems encountered can define, analyze and develop solutions. 5 Scientific, win the ability to develop solutions based on objective assessment. 6 Personal and professional differences are considering can adapt to different circumstances and situations and can play different social roles. 7 In such cases, work under stress, you can take the right decision and place. 8 It can set internal goals and objectives. 9 The manager is the team leader, the people in their areas of responsibility can plan and manage activities for development within the framework of the project. 10 A study related to the field can carry out advanced independent; You can organize teamwork can compare the operation. 11 Lifelong learning will have the sense of the academic requirements of consciousness. 12 Advanced knowledge and skills in business and management sciences can evaluate with a critical approach. 13 You can identify learning needs; It can direct the learning process. 14 Reach a level that will analyze the different decision-making situations. 15 Space-related issues, can transmit their opinions and suggestions and thoughts. 16 Quantitative ideas and suggestions related to business and management processes can support the qualitative research data can be transferred to people on different levels of information. 17 It takes care of the professional and social communication skills and develops. 18 People and institutions about the issues related to the field in Turkish and English, can be informed in writing and orally. 19 Gains the sense of social responsibility, organize projects and activities for the social environment in which and apply. 20 Developments in the area can support using information and communication technologies. 21 Collection of data in this research, interpretation, implementation and announcing the results, scientific, cultural and ethical values in accordance with the act. 22 Develop awareness of social rights and occupational health and safety issues. 23 Understand the importance of innovation development; support innovative applications.In order to graduate from this undegraduate program, the students are required;to succeed in all of the courses listed in the curriculum of the program by getting the grade of at least DD/S with a minimum of 240 ECTSto have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00to complete their compulsory internship in a specified duration and quality.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates, national and international business, especially in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and can work in various departments such as production. Also graduated from Universities, Treasury and Foreign Trade Undersecretariat, State Planning Organization, Turkey Statistical Institute, ministries, the Capital Markets Board, institutions such as the Competition Authority and the Central Bank can also work.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Lisans Diploması

Awarding Body
University of Turkish Aeronautical Association

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification


EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification



Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments

  • In the field of business management basis and on current concepts will have theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • Using quantitative and qualitative tools and information technologies to manage the business decision process.Uses knowledge sharing and professional communication in Turkish and English language expert level.İ
  • Demonstrate proficiency in terms of content and organization to prepare quality documents and make presentations.
  • Complex issues to think creatively, generate individual and interdisciplinary solutions to the teams using team building and leadership skills.
  • Economic, legal, political, social, technical and competitive forces (local, regional, global) evaluate how it affects the business area.
  • Sought in qualified personnel needed by the public and private sectors; business, finance, statistics, accounting, law, economics, public administration have knowledge and use them.
  • Develop can reveal their views on the current operating issues in the interpretation and use events.
  • Analyzes the relationship between business stakeholders and effectively executes.
  • Evaluate the information obtained during education through cause-and-effect relationships; where the information which predicts whether and when it is needed.

Key Competencies

Further Info

Students are subject to a final exam, other than the exams they have taken and the studies they have been involved in. Each semester, students are given at least one mid-term examination. Apart from mid-term examinations, quizzes can be given without announcing a specific date. The criteria (quiz, mid-term, assignment, final exam, etc.) and the ratio taken into consideration for success assessment in the courses are stated in the syllabi distributed to the students at the beginning of each semester and/or published on the web site. Final examinations are made in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University. The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term and final examination results, semester studies, and compliance with attendance regulations. Courses, which do not require mid-term and/or final examinations, are determined by the related Heads of Departments/ School Directors, and the Registrar’s Office is informed accordingly. Final grades for such courses are given based on their coursework throughout the term. The end of semester course grade is submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the lecturer with success evaluation criteria. The semester grades become final after being announced by the Registrar’s Office. GradesFor each course taken, the student is given one of the letter grades below by the instructor as the semester course grade. The letter grades, coefficients and percentage equivalents are indicated below. GradeGradeCoefficient90-100AA4.085-89BA3.580-84BB3.070-79CB2.560-69CC2.050-59DC1.545-49DD1.044 and belowFF0 Success GradesThe lowest grade to be successful in a credit course is:For associate degree and undergraduate degree students; DD,For Master Students; CC,For Doctoral Students; CB. Repeating CoursesStudents who have received an “FF”, “NA”(non-Attendance) or “W” (Withdrawal) in any course or “U” (Unsatisfactory) for non-credited courses must repeat it in the first semester the course is offered again. If a course has a prerequisite the ones who are not successful in the course with prerequisite cannot take that course. Successful StudentsStudents whose Cum GPA are at least 2.00 in any semester are considered successful.Students who obtain a GPA of 3.00-3.49, at the end of the semester with at least a normal semester course load, are considered “Honor Students” and those who obtain a GPA of 3.50-4.00 are considered “High Honor Students”.Knowledge and skills students should gain until graduation are listed below:1 In management sciences will have information about the books and other publications containing the updated information.2 You can use the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge.3 Applications to bring innovations to the area, they can develop ideas.4 Faced related to the field / problems encountered can define, analyze and develop solutions.5 Scientific, win the ability to develop solutions based on objective assessment.6 Personal and professional differences are considering can adapt to different circumstances and situations and can play different social roles.7 In such cases, work under stress, you can take the right decision and place.8 It can set internal goals and objectives.9 The manager is the team leader, the people in their areas of responsibility can plan and manage activities for development within the framework of the project.10 A study related to the field can carry out advanced independent; You can organize teamwork can compare the operation.11 Lifelong learning will have the sense of the academic requirements of consciousness.12 Advanced knowledge and skills in business and management sciences can evaluate with a critical approach.13 You can identify learning needs; It can direct the learning process.14 Reach a level that will analyze the different decision-making situations.15 Space-related issues, can transmit their opinions and suggestions and thoughts.16 Quantitative ideas and suggestions related to business and management processes can support the qualitative research data can be transferred to people on different levels of information.17 It takes care of the professional and social communication skills and develops.18 People and institutions about the issues related to the field in Turkish and English, can be informed in writing and orally.19 Gains the sense of social responsibility, organize projects and activities for the social environment in which and apply.20 Developments in the area can support using information and communication technologies.21 Collection of data in this research, interpretation, implementation and announcing the results, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??in accordance with the act.22 Develop awareness of social rights and occupational health and safety issues.23 Understand the importance of innovation development; support innovative applications.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

In the framework of the regulations set by Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK), student admission for this undergraduate program is made through a university entrance examination called ÖSYS. Following the submission of students’ academic program preferences, Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) places the students to the relevant program according to the score they get from ÖSYS.International students are accepted to this undergraduate program according to the score of one of the international exams they take such as SAT,ACT etc. or according to their high school diploma score.Exchange student admission is made according to the requirements determined by bilateral agreements signed by UTAA and the partner university.Visiting students can enroll for the courses offered in this program upon the confirmation of the related academic unit. Additionally, they need to prove their English language level since the medium of instruction at UTAA is English.

Conditions for Success
Knowledge and skills students should gain until graduation are listed below: 1 In management sciences will have information about the books and other publications containing the updated information. 2 You can use the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge. 3 Applications to bring innovations to the area, they can develop ideas. 4 Faced related to the field / problems encountered can define, analyze and develop solutions. 5 Scientific, win the ability to develop solutions based on objective assessment. 6 Personal and professional differences are considering can adapt to different circumstances and situations and can play different social roles. 7 In such cases, work under stress, you can take the right decision and place. 8 It can set internal goals and objectives. 9 The manager is the team leader, the people in their areas of responsibility can plan and manage activities for development within the framework of the project. 10 A study related to the field can carry out advanced independent; You can organize teamwork can compare the operation. 11 Lifelong learning will have the sense of the academic requirements of consciousness. 12 Advanced knowledge and skills in business and management sciences can evaluate with a critical approach. 13 You can identify learning needs; It can direct the learning process. 14 Reach a level that will analyze the different decision-making situations. 15 Space-related issues, can transmit their opinions and suggestions and thoughts. 16 Quantitative ideas and suggestions related to business and management processes can support the qualitative research data can be transferred to people on different levels of information. 17 It takes care of the professional and social communication skills and develops. 18 People and institutions about the issues related to the field in Turkish and English, can be informed in writing and orally. 19 Gains the sense of social responsibility, organize projects and activities for the social environment in which and apply. 20 Developments in the area can support using information and communication technologies. 21 Collection of data in this research, interpretation, implementation and announcing the results, scientific, cultural and ethical values in accordance with the act. 22 Develop awareness of social rights and occupational health and safety issues. 23 Understand the importance of innovation development; support innovative applications.In order to graduate from this undegraduate program, the students are required;to succeed in all of the courses listed in the curriculum of the program by getting the grade of at least DD/S with a minimum of 240 ECTSto have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00to complete their compulsory internship in a specified duration and quality.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates, national and international business, especially in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and can work in various departments such as production. Also graduated from Universities, Treasury and Foreign Trade Undersecretariat, State Planning Organization, Turkey Statistical Institute, ministries, the Capital Markets Board, institutions such as the Competition Authority and the Central Bank can also work.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address