Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Biyokimya Doktora Diploması
Sorumlu KurumAtatürk Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiAtatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Üniversite Mahallesi Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak Sokak No : 8 P.K : 25050 Yakutiye / Erzurum
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi8
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 8
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Biyokimya
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri240
Programın Normal Süresi 4
Program Profili (Amaç)-
Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Yüksek lisans derecesi yeterliliklerine dayalı uzmanlık alanında bilgileri detaylı olarak öğrenmek
  • Spesifik bir konuda araştırma sürecini bilimsel saygınlık içinde bağımsız olarak; algılama, tasarlama, uygulama ve sonuçlandırma yeterliliklerine sahip olmak
  • Yeni ve karmaşık konuların eleştirel analizini, sentezini ve değerlendirmesini yapma yeterliliğine sahip olmak
  • Uzmanlık alanındaki konularda; en yeni bilgilere sahip olmak, üst düzeyde yöntem ve beceri hususunda ustalık kazanmak
  • Bilime yenilik getiren, yeni bir bilimsel yöntem geliştiren ya da bilinen bir yöntemi bir alana uygulayan kapsamlı bir çalışmayı tez haline getirip sunmak
  • Bilimsel bir projeyi hazırlama ve inceleme deneyimi kazanmak
  • Kimya alanında yaptığı özgün çalışmayı ve elde ettiği verileri ulusal ve uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlamak.
  • İş ve laboratuvar güvenlikleri konusunda gerekli bilgi ve deneyime sahip olmak
  • Alanında yeni bilgileri öğrenme ve deney yapma istek ve heyecanını artırmak
  • Kimya alanında mesleki, bilimsel ve etik konularda karşılaşılan sorunlara çözüm üretebilmek.
  • Kimyasalların insan ve çevreye etkileri konusunda bilinçli olmak
  • Geniş bilimsel topluluklarla ve toplumun geneli ile yazılı ve sözlü iletişimi ileri düzeyde kurma yetkinliğine ulaşmak
  • Alanındaki kaynakları takip etme, meslektaşları ile iletişim kurma, elde ettiği verileri sözlü ve yazılı olarak aktarabilecek kadar ileri düzeyde bir yabancı dil bilgisine sahip olmak
  • Kimyanın gelişimi ve kimyanın gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlayan kişiler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak
  • Kazanılan bilgi, beceri ve yetkinliğini kullanarak akademik ve profesyonel bağlamda teknolojik, sosyal veya kültürel ilerlemeleri tanıtma, bilgi toplumu olma sürecine katkıda bulunma
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı

Sayısal puan türünde en az 55 ALES (Akademik Lisansüstü Eğitim Sınavı) puanına sahip olması, ÜDS, KPDS veya eşdeğer bir yabancı dil sınavından (TOFEL vb) en az 55 puan almış olması. Sayısal ALES puanının % 60`ı ile lisans AGNO’sunun (Ağırlıklı genel not ortalamasının) % 20’sinin ve yüksek lisans AGNO’sunun toplamının en az 65 olması gerekmektedir.

Başarma ŞartlarıKimya alanında Doktora tezi hazırlaması ve tez savunmasında başarılı olması, 5-Toplamda en az 180-240 AKTS biriminde akademik faaliyeti başarmış olması şartları aranır.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)-
Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Biyokimya Doktora Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Atatürk Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Üniversite Mahallesi Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak Sokak No : 8 P.K : 25050 Yakutiye / Erzurum

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Yüksek lisans derecesi yeterliliklerine dayalı uzmanlık alanında bilgileri detaylı olarak öğrenmek
  • Spesifik bir konuda araştırma sürecini bilimsel saygınlık içinde bağımsız olarak; algılama, tasarlama, uygulama ve sonuçlandırma yeterliliklerine sahip olmak
  • Yeni ve karmaşık konuların eleştirel analizini, sentezini ve değerlendirmesini yapma yeterliliğine sahip olmak
  • Uzmanlık alanındaki konularda; en yeni bilgilere sahip olmak, üst düzeyde yöntem ve beceri hususunda ustalık kazanmak
  • Bilime yenilik getiren, yeni bir bilimsel yöntem geliştiren ya da bilinen bir yöntemi bir alana uygulayan kapsamlı bir çalışmayı tez haline getirip sunmak
  • Bilimsel bir projeyi hazırlama ve inceleme deneyimi kazanmak
  • Kimya alanında yaptığı özgün çalışmayı ve elde ettiği verileri ulusal ve uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlamak.
  • İş ve laboratuvar güvenlikleri konusunda gerekli bilgi ve deneyime sahip olmak
  • Alanında yeni bilgileri öğrenme ve deney yapma istek ve heyecanını artırmak
  • Kimya alanında mesleki, bilimsel ve etik konularda karşılaşılan sorunlara çözüm üretebilmek.
  • Kimyasalların insan ve çevreye etkileri konusunda bilinçli olmak
  • Geniş bilimsel topluluklarla ve toplumun geneli ile yazılı ve sözlü iletişimi ileri düzeyde kurma yetkinliğine ulaşmak
  • Alanındaki kaynakları takip etme, meslektaşları ile iletişim kurma, elde ettiği verileri sözlü ve yazılı olarak aktarabilecek kadar ileri düzeyde bir yabancı dil bilgisine sahip olmak
  • Kimyanın gelişimi ve kimyanın gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlayan kişiler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak
  • Kazanılan bilgi, beceri ve yetkinliğini kullanarak akademik ve profesyonel bağlamda teknolojik, sosyal veya kültürel ilerlemeleri tanıtma, bilgi toplumu olma sürecine katkıda bulunma

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Sayısal puan türünde en az 55 ALES (Akademik Lisansüstü Eğitim Sınavı) puanına sahip olması, ÜDS, KPDS veya eşdeğer bir yabancı dil sınavından (TOFEL vb) en az 55 puan almış olması. Sayısal ALES puanının % 60`ı ile lisans AGNO’sunun (Ağırlıklı genel not ortalamasının) % 20’sinin ve yüksek lisans AGNO’sunun toplamının en az 65 olması gerekmektedir.

Başarma Şartları
Kimya alanında Doktora tezi hazırlaması ve tez savunmasında başarılı olması, 5-Toplamda en az 180-240 AKTS biriminde akademik faaliyeti başarmış olması şartları aranır.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Biochemistry Doktorate Diploması
Awarding BodyAtatürk University
Awarding Body ContactAtatürk University
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level8
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 8
Thematic AreasBiochemistry
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value-
Program Duration-
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-
  • To deepen the knowledge in a spesific field of chemistry depending on the qualifications of Master degree
  • To gain the ability to perceive, design, implement, and finalize a specific research study independently and in accordance with scientific values
  • To acquire the ability to make critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of new and intriguing concepts in science
  • To gain the most up-to-date knowledge about the area of specialty and to acquire the utmost proficiency about the scientific methods and techniques
  • To prepare a comprehensive doctoral dissertation with an original topic which has a scientfic novelty in the development of a new scientific methods or important applications of existing ones
  • To gain the required knowledge and experience in chemistry laboratory safety
  • To gain the ability to publish the results of an original work in national and international peer reviewed scientfic journals
  • To gain experience on scientific project presentations and reviewing
  • To increase doctoral candidates' enthusiasm to have more information in chemistry and conduct research
  • To be able to find solutions to the professional, scientific, and ethical problems encountered in chemistry
  • To be aware of the health and environmental effects of chemicalsTo gain the ability to share the results of a research study with scientific community by written and oral communication techniques
  • To have advanced foreign language skills to follow the scientific publications, to communicate with collegues, and to present research findings to scientific community by written and oral communication techniques
  • To have information about the development of chemistry and scientists who made important contributions in the field
  • By using acquired knowledge and scientific abilities, to be able to make important contributions to the establishment of an information society by introducing recent scientific, technological, social, and cultural developments to the community
Key Competencies-
Further Info

It is compulsory to have at least 70% attendance for each graduate course in a semester . Achievement is measured through in term assessment (assignments, midterm exams) and with final exams. Examinations are applied in various ways as written, oral, or both written and oral, and/or practictise. At least one midterm exam is to be given for each course. Detailed explanations regarding the assessment and evaluation in the courses take place in the course information page. Examinations are assessed through grades out of 100. Passing grade is calculated by adding the 40% of the average of midterm exam grades to the 60% of the Final or make up exam. In Ph.D. Programs passing grade is at least 75 out of 100 and 2,5 BC out of 4. Success in elective courses, special field courses, seminars and dissertation studies is indicated by using G (passed) or B (succeeded). While calculating average passing grade the courses defined as passed (G), succeeded (B) exempted (M) are not taken in to consideration. Detailed explanations regarding the equivalents of passing grades out of 100 in full mark 4 points system and letter representation system are given in the regulation announced in the website ( ) of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements
  • To be admitted to the Ph.D. program, candidates are required:
  • To have either a 5-year undergraduate diploma or Master’s Diploma in the field determined by the executive board of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences for admition.
  • To have received at least 55 science points in the ALES (Academic graduate education examination).
  • To have obtained at least 55 points from UDS or KPDS or the equivalent of this point from an equivalent foreign language exam (TOEFL, etc)
  • To have obtained at least 65 points upon summing up 60% of the ALES science points and 20% of under graduate AGNO (Undergraduate Nominal Grade Average), and 20% of graduate AGNO (graduate Nominal Grade Average).
  • To take place among the candidates with the highest grades who are listed beginning from the highest points, considering the number of the students to be admitted.
  • To have completed successfully the science preparatory class in 1 year if admitted with the requirement to attendant science preparatory class.
  • Students from other nationalities are required to have knowledge of Turkish language at B2 level (or 70 out of 100 achievement) according to ELP (European Language Portfolio).
  • Students from the Chemistry Departments in other universities are also admitted providing that they meet the requirements of interuniversities students transfer.
  • Requirements for application and admission to the program are announced in the website ( of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences before each academic term has began.
Conditions for Success To have taken and passed at least 24 credit hours (8 courses) achieving with minimum BC 75 points (out of 100). To succeeded in the competence exam. 3- To have obtained approval of thesis observation committee of the Ph.D. Thesis proposal. To have prepared a Ph.D. Thesis in the field of Chemistry and to have succeeded in dissertation defense. To have done achieved academic activities at least in the range of 180-240 ECTS units.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)


Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)-
Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Biochemistry Doktorate Diploması

Awarding Body
Atatürk University

Awarding Body Contact
Atatürk University

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments

  • To deepen the knowledge in a spesific field of chemistry depending on the qualifications of Master degree
  • To gain the ability to perceive, design, implement, and finalize a specific research study independently and in accordance with scientific values
  • To acquire the ability to make critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of new and intriguing concepts in science
  • To gain the most up-to-date knowledge about the area of specialty and to acquire the utmost proficiency about the scientific methods and techniques
  • To prepare a comprehensive doctoral dissertation with an original topic which has a scientfic novelty in the development of a new scientific methods or important applications of existing ones
  • To gain the required knowledge and experience in chemistry laboratory safety
  • To gain the ability to publish the results of an original work in national and international peer reviewed scientfic journals
  • To gain experience on scientific project presentations and reviewing
  • To increase doctoral candidates' enthusiasm to have more information in chemistry and conduct research
  • To be able to find solutions to the professional, scientific, and ethical problems encountered in chemistry
  • To be aware of the health and environmental effects of chemicalsTo gain the ability to share the results of a research study with scientific community by written and oral communication techniques
  • To have advanced foreign language skills to follow the scientific publications, to communicate with collegues, and to present research findings to scientific community by written and oral communication techniques
  • To have information about the development of chemistry and scientists who made important contributions in the field
  • By using acquired knowledge and scientific abilities, to be able to make important contributions to the establishment of an information society by introducing recent scientific, technological, social, and cultural developments to the community

Key Competencies

Further Info

It is compulsory to have at least 70% attendance for each graduate course in a semester . Achievement is measured through in term assessment (assignments, midterm exams) and with final exams. Examinations are applied in various ways as written, oral, or both written and oral, and/or practictise. At least one midterm exam is to be given for each course. Detailed explanations regarding the assessment and evaluation in the courses take place in the course information page. Examinations are assessed through grades out of 100. Passing grade is calculated by adding the 40% of the average of midterm exam grades to the 60% of the Final or make up exam. In Ph.D. Programs passing grade is at least 75 out of 100 and 2,5 BC out of 4. Success in elective courses, special field courses, seminars and dissertation studies is indicated by using G (passed) or B (succeeded). While calculating average passing grade the courses defined as passed (G), succeeded (B) exempted (M) are not taken in to consideration. Detailed explanations regarding the equivalents of passing grades out of 100 in full mark 4 points system and letter representation system are given in the regulation announced in the website ( ) of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements
  • To be admitted to the Ph.D. program, candidates are required:
  • To have either a 5-year undergraduate diploma or Master’s Diploma in the field determined by the executive board of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences for admition.
  • To have received at least 55 science points in the ALES (Academic graduate education examination).
  • To have obtained at least 55 points from UDS or KPDS or the equivalent of this point from an equivalent foreign language exam (TOEFL, etc)
  • To have obtained at least 65 points upon summing up 60% of the ALES science points and 20% of under graduate AGNO (Undergraduate Nominal Grade Average), and 20% of graduate AGNO (graduate Nominal Grade Average).
  • To take place among the candidates with the highest grades who are listed beginning from the highest points, considering the number of the students to be admitted.
  • To have completed successfully the science preparatory class in 1 year if admitted with the requirement to attendant science preparatory class.
  • Students from other nationalities are required to have knowledge of Turkish language at B2 level (or 70 out of 100 achievement) according to ELP (European Language Portfolio).
  • Students from the Chemistry Departments in other universities are also admitted providing that they meet the requirements of interuniversities students transfer.
  • Requirements for application and admission to the program are announced in the website ( of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences before each academic term has began.

Conditions for Success
To have taken and passed at least 24 credit hours (8 courses) achieving with minimum BC 75 points (out of 100). To succeeded in the competence exam. 3- To have obtained approval of thesis observation committee of the Ph.D. Thesis proposal. To have prepared a Ph.D. Thesis in the field of Chemistry and to have succeeded in dissertation defense. To have done achieved academic activities at least in the range of 180-240 ECTS units.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)


Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Open Address