Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Bitki Koruma Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumTokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiGaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Taşlıçiftlik Yerleşkesi
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi6
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 6
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Bitki ve hayvancılık ürünleri
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri240
Programın Normal Süresi 4
Program Profili (Amaç)-
Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Fen ve mühendislik bilimleri bilgi ve ilkelerini Bitki Koruma problemlerine uygulayabilme becerisi.
  • Bitkisel ve Hayvansal üretimde karşılaşılabilecek zararlı, hastalık ve yabancı ot problemlerini tespit ve teşhis becerisi.
  • Bitki Koruma alanındaki çalışmaları paydaşlarıyla ortaklaşa yürütebilecek derecede insiyatif kullanma ve yaratıcılık becerisine sahip olma.
  • Bitkisel ve Hayvansal üretimde karşılaşılan zararlı, hastalık ve yabancı otların zarar düzeyini saptayabilme ve bunların çözümüne yönelik mevcut bilimsel ve teknik önerileri çevre ve insan sağlığı ile gıda güvenliğini göz önünde tutarak gerçekleştirme becerisi.
  • Bitki Koruma Ürünlerini ve bunların uygulanmasında gerekli olan temel alet ve ekipman envanterini yönetme becerisine sahip olma.
  • Mesleğin gerektirdiği etik bilince sahip olma.
  • Bitki Koruma alanında lisans düzeyinde proje hazırlayabilme, yürütebilme becerisine sahip olma.
  • Sözlü ve yazılı iletişim kurma becerisi, girişimcilik ve yaratıcılık yeteneğine sahip olma becerisi.
  • Bitki Koruma alanında deneme tasarlama, kurma, veri toplama, sonuçları analiz etme ve yorumlama yeteneğine sahip olma becerisi,
  • Yaşam boyu öğrenim çerçevesinde yeni tarım teknolojilerini izleyerek kendini geliştirme becerisine sahip olma.
  • BİLGİEntomoloji ve Fitopatoloji bilim dallarındaki bilgilere sahip olma.
  • Bitki Koruma etmenleriyle mücadele ile ilgili bilgilere sahip olabilme.
  • Bitki fizyolojisi, genetik ve beslenmesi ile ilgili bilgilere sahip olma.
  • Ekolojik faktörlerin bitki koruma etmenleri üzerindeki etkilerine ait bilgilere sahip olmalı.
  • BECERİBitki Koruma ile ilgili verileri toplayıp analiz edebilme.
  • Bitki Koruma etmenleri ile ilgili mücadele programlarını oluşturma ve uygulama becerisine sahip olma.
  • Bitki Koruma programlarının başarılarını ölçme ve değerlendirme.
  • Bitki Koruma ürünlerinin çevreye olan etkilerini analiz edip değerlendirme becerisi.
  • İş yaşamının gereklerine uygun bir şekilde Türkçe’yi ve en az bir yabancı dili etkin bir şekilde kullanabilme.
  • Bitki Koruma ile ilgili yenilikleri takip edebilme ve bunları uygulamaya aktarabilme.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı-
Başarma ŞartlarıProgramda derslerin (toplam 240 AKTS karşılığı) tümünü başarıyla tamamlamak, 100 üzerinden en az 60 ağırlıklı not ortalamasına sahip olmak ve yaz stajını yapmak mezuniyet için gerekli yeterlilik koşuludur.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)-
Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Bitki Koruma Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Taşlıçiftlik Yerleşkesi

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Fen ve mühendislik bilimleri bilgi ve ilkelerini Bitki Koruma problemlerine uygulayabilme becerisi.
  • Bitkisel ve Hayvansal üretimde karşılaşılabilecek zararlı, hastalık ve yabancı ot problemlerini tespit ve teşhis becerisi.
  • Bitki Koruma alanındaki çalışmaları paydaşlarıyla ortaklaşa yürütebilecek derecede insiyatif kullanma ve yaratıcılık becerisine sahip olma.
  • Bitkisel ve Hayvansal üretimde karşılaşılan zararlı, hastalık ve yabancı otların zarar düzeyini saptayabilme ve bunların çözümüne yönelik mevcut bilimsel ve teknik önerileri çevre ve insan sağlığı ile gıda güvenliğini göz önünde tutarak gerçekleştirme becerisi.
  • Bitki Koruma Ürünlerini ve bunların uygulanmasında gerekli olan temel alet ve ekipman envanterini yönetme becerisine sahip olma.
  • Mesleğin gerektirdiği etik bilince sahip olma.
  • Bitki Koruma alanında lisans düzeyinde proje hazırlayabilme, yürütebilme becerisine sahip olma.
  • Sözlü ve yazılı iletişim kurma becerisi, girişimcilik ve yaratıcılık yeteneğine sahip olma becerisi.
  • Bitki Koruma alanında deneme tasarlama, kurma, veri toplama, sonuçları analiz etme ve yorumlama yeteneğine sahip olma becerisi,
  • Yaşam boyu öğrenim çerçevesinde yeni tarım teknolojilerini izleyerek kendini geliştirme becerisine sahip olma.
  • BİLGİEntomoloji ve Fitopatoloji bilim dallarındaki bilgilere sahip olma.
  • Bitki Koruma etmenleriyle mücadele ile ilgili bilgilere sahip olabilme.
  • Bitki fizyolojisi, genetik ve beslenmesi ile ilgili bilgilere sahip olma.
  • Ekolojik faktörlerin bitki koruma etmenleri üzerindeki etkilerine ait bilgilere sahip olmalı.
  • BECERİBitki Koruma ile ilgili verileri toplayıp analiz edebilme.
  • Bitki Koruma etmenleri ile ilgili mücadele programlarını oluşturma ve uygulama becerisine sahip olma.
  • Bitki Koruma programlarının başarılarını ölçme ve değerlendirme.
  • Bitki Koruma ürünlerinin çevreye olan etkilerini analiz edip değerlendirme becerisi.
  • İş yaşamının gereklerine uygun bir şekilde Türkçe’yi ve en az bir yabancı dili etkin bir şekilde kullanabilme.
  • Bitki Koruma ile ilgili yenilikleri takip edebilme ve bunları uygulamaya aktarabilme.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Başarma Şartları
Programda derslerin (toplam 240 AKTS karşılığı) tümünü başarıyla tamamlamak, 100 üzerinden en az 60 ağırlıklı not ortalamasına sahip olmak ve yaz stajını yapmak mezuniyet için gerekli yeterlilik koşuludur.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Awarding BodyTokat Gaziosmanpaşa University
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level6
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 6
Thematic AreasCrop and livestock production
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value-
Program Duration-
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-
  • Capability/Ability to apply scientific and engineering knowledge in solving plant protection problems
  • Capability/Ability to observe and identify the damages, diseases and weeds encountered in plant and animal production
  • Becoming creative and able to use the initiative of running plant protection work together with stakeholders
  • Ability to determine the damage levels of diseases, weeds and damages encountered in plant and animal production and solving these problems through current scientific and technological knowledge keepimg in view the environmental and human health issues along with food security
  • To be familiar with the plant protection products and able to manage the inventory of basic equipment used in the application of these products
  • To be familiar with the ethics of the professionto be able to prepare the scientific projects at graduate level in plant protection and pursue these projects
  • To be to establish spoken and written comunication and become a creative entrepreneurship
  • To be able to plan and conduct experiments in plant protection and develop the abilities of data collection, data analysis and interpretation af results
  • To be able to polish himself/herself through observing the recent advances in agricultural technologies in the surroundingsIntormation
  • To have the informations relating to Entomology and Phytopathology fields
  • To have the infotmation ralating to management of plant protection agents
  • To have the knowledge/information of plant physiology, genetics and nutrition
  • To have knowledge/information of the effect of the effect of ecological factors on plant protection agents
  • SkillsTo be able to collect and analyze the data relating to plant protection
  • To become able to develop and pursue the management plan against plant protection agents
  • To become able to interpret and measure the success of plant protection programs
  • The ability to analyze and interpret the effects of plant protection measures on environment
  • Personal and Professional development/perfection
  • To become able to effectually use the professional needs in Turkish and at least in one other foreign language
  • Following the recent advances in plant protection and using them in practical life
Key Competencies-
Further Info
  • The final grade/marks of a course are calculated by summing up 40% of midterm exam and 60% of final/supplementary exam.
  • Multiple methods can also be used to calculate the final grade/marks. In this case, the effect of different activities such as; exam, homework, practical, laboratory work, project, field work and student portfolio etc. on final grade/marks will be suggested by teacher/teachers at the end of a semester at the evaluation of supplementary exams.
  • The suggestion will be evaluated by the departmental regulation committee and decision will be communicated to students at the start of semester.
  • According to the nature of course, it can be decided to omit the exams through approval from related departmental board.
  • The grade/marks are given on 100 scale.
  • The minimum marks required to successfully pass an exam are 60.
  • However, students must have to acquire 50 marks from final or supplementary exams.
  • The marks in fraction/points are rounded to nearest digit. Successful completion of all courses (240 credits in total), minimum 60% average marks out of 100 and completion of summer internship are necessary/integral requirements of graduation.
Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

Students wishing to register at the Plant Protection Department are required to accomplish/successfully pass the exam conducted by OSYM set within the academic and legislative frame of university. The department accepts MF-2 marks. Students who have started their education in equivalent program either within or outside the country, can apply for migration/transfer. The applications made by student are evaluated on the basis of conditions of application and status of the student at the start of each semester. Each application is evaluated at individual level. More detailed information about the entrance in university is available in undergraduate and graduate education and examination regulations section of Gaziosmanpaşa University.The students arriving from outside country through exchange programs within the limits specified and approved by university, can take the courses offered at the department in English language. Students with proficiency in Turkish language can register any course offered in Turkish language.

Conditions for SuccessSuccessful completion of all courses (240 credits in total), minimum 60% average marks out of 100 and completion of summer internship are necessary/integral requirements of graduation.The students have to attend/successfully complete 8 semesters, 240 credits, equivalent to 154 GOPU Credits for successful completion of graduation as specified in undergraduate and graduate education and examination regulations of Gaziosmanpaşa University. There is no special exam/final exam period at the end of academic year to become graduate from Plant Protection Department. However, at the end of each semester, usually right at the end are two weeks of final exams. Further, students have to successfully complete an internship period of 45 days after 5th semester of the graduation program. Although, not credited internship program is a prerequisite of graduation. The experience gained through internship and workload has been kept in mind while formulating the related courses and practical workload in the program. In addition, students are required to prepare the Graduation Thesis (in 8th semester) of the program.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

•Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Central Organization)•Provincial Directorate of Agriculture crop production and plant health directorate-general (including internal quarantine)•Agricultural Quarantine Directorates (External quarantine - imported and exported products)•Biological Control Research Institutes •Plant Protection Research Institutes•Research Institute related to crop production•Agricultural Research Institutes•Faculty Members at University•National and International Agricultural pesticides companies• Seed production companies•Insect rearing companies – Biological control•Prescribing authority•Pesticide companies – Environment Protection•Agricultural consulting companie•Agricultural Credit Cooperative•Manufacturers Associations•Private farms and greenhouses•Agricultural Pesticides dealers

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title

Awarding Body
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments

  • Capability/Ability to apply scientific and engineering knowledge in solving plant protection problems
  • Capability/Ability to observe and identify the damages, diseases and weeds encountered in plant and animal production
  • Becoming creative and able to use the initiative of running plant protection work together with stakeholders
  • Ability to determine the damage levels of diseases, weeds and damages encountered in plant and animal production and solving these problems through current scientific and technological knowledge keepimg in view the environmental and human health issues along with food security
  • To be familiar with the plant protection products and able to manage the inventory of basic equipment used in the application of these products
  • To be familiar with the ethics of the professionto be able to prepare the scientific projects at graduate level in plant protection and pursue these projects
  • To be to establish spoken and written comunication and become a creative entrepreneurship
  • To be able to plan and conduct experiments in plant protection and develop the abilities of data collection, data analysis and interpretation af results
  • To be able to polish himself/herself through observing the recent advances in agricultural technologies in the surroundingsIntormation
  • To have the informations relating to Entomology and Phytopathology fields
  • To have the infotmation ralating to management of plant protection agents
  • To have the knowledge/information of plant physiology, genetics and nutrition
  • To have knowledge/information of the effect of the effect of ecological factors on plant protection agents
  • SkillsTo be able to collect and analyze the data relating to plant protection
  • To become able to develop and pursue the management plan against plant protection agents
  • To become able to interpret and measure the success of plant protection programs
  • The ability to analyze and interpret the effects of plant protection measures on environment
  • Personal and Professional development/perfection
  • To become able to effectually use the professional needs in Turkish and at least in one other foreign language
  • Following the recent advances in plant protection and using them in practical life

Key Competencies

Further Info
  • The final grade/marks of a course are calculated by summing up 40% of midterm exam and 60% of final/supplementary exam.
  • Multiple methods can also be used to calculate the final grade/marks. In this case, the effect of different activities such as; exam, homework, practical, laboratory work, project, field work and student portfolio etc. on final grade/marks will be suggested by teacher/teachers at the end of a semester at the evaluation of supplementary exams.
  • The suggestion will be evaluated by the departmental regulation committee and decision will be communicated to students at the start of semester.
  • According to the nature of course, it can be decided to omit the exams through approval from related departmental board.
  • The grade/marks are given on 100 scale.
  • The minimum marks required to successfully pass an exam are 60.
  • However, students must have to acquire 50 marks from final or supplementary exams.
  • The marks in fraction/points are rounded to nearest digit. Successful completion of all courses (240 credits in total), minimum 60% average marks out of 100 and completion of summer internship are necessary/integral requirements of graduation.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

Students wishing to register at the Plant Protection Department are required to accomplish/successfully pass the exam conducted by OSYM set within the academic and legislative frame of university. The department accepts MF-2 marks. Students who have started their education in equivalent program either within or outside the country, can apply for migration/transfer. The applications made by student are evaluated on the basis of conditions of application and status of the student at the start of each semester. Each application is evaluated at individual level. More detailed information about the entrance in university is available in undergraduate and graduate education and examination regulations section of Gaziosmanpaşa University.The students arriving from outside country through exchange programs within the limits specified and approved by university, can take the courses offered at the department in English language. Students with proficiency in Turkish language can register any course offered in Turkish language.

Conditions for Success
Successful completion of all courses (240 credits in total), minimum 60% average marks out of 100 and completion of summer internship are necessary/integral requirements of graduation.The students have to attend/successfully complete 8 semesters, 240 credits, equivalent to 154 GOPU Credits for successful completion of graduation as specified in undergraduate and graduate education and examination regulations of Gaziosmanpaşa University. There is no special exam/final exam period at the end of academic year to become graduate from Plant Protection Department. However, at the end of each semester, usually right at the end are two weeks of final exams. Further, students have to successfully complete an internship period of 45 days after 5th semester of the graduation program. Although, not credited internship program is a prerequisite of graduation. The experience gained through internship and workload has been kept in mind while formulating the related courses and practical workload in the program. In addition, students are required to prepare the Graduation Thesis (in 8th semester) of the program.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

•Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Central Organization)•Provincial Directorate of Agriculture crop production and plant health directorate-general (including internal quarantine)•Agricultural Quarantine Directorates (External quarantine - imported and exported products)•Biological Control Research Institutes •Plant Protection Research Institutes•Research Institute related to crop production•Agricultural Research Institutes•Faculty Members at University•National and International Agricultural pesticides companies• Seed production companies•Insect rearing companies – Biological control•Prescribing authority•Pesticide companies – Environment Protection•Agricultural consulting companie•Agricultural Credit Cooperative•Manufacturers Associations•Private farms and greenhouses•Agricultural Pesticides dealers

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address